Watching the DNC

09/06/2012 14:09

Watching the DNC

I watched as much of the DNC as I could possibly stand.  In a wide angle view of the venue, I couldn’t help be struck by the mental picture of a mass of misanthropic dung beetles angrily hustling around the convention center.  In interview after interview the speakers rolled their stinking ball of anger, injustice, and sense of entitlement to air a litany of grievances against America.   They took great pains to paint vivid pictures of the impoverished, beggary, pauperism of their childhoods.  Remember every one of these misanthropes graduated from some Ivy League school.  Harvard graduate after Harvard graduate complained about the injustice in America.  As they yammered on and on and on about their struggles and subsequent successes, it occurred to me that every one of these people is actually proof that America works.  Their rise from poverty proves that America works. If there is anyone out there that disagrees with me, just tell me where in the world this many people born to poverty have risen to such heights.   No Where!!!!!

Why then do the Liberals feel the need to tear America down?   Theirs is the age old story of fear and division.  Liberal rhetoric constantly attempts to create and recreate a mass of angry disenfranchised people to represent.  They do this because without a poor uneducated disenfranchised mass of morons to represent, they all might actually have to go out and get real jobs.  By the way Joe “jobs” is a four letter word.

One other point to make is that, as I see it, every liberal program for the past 40 years has done nothing to lift people out of poverty because their programs are not designed to reduce poverty.  Their programs are designed to create a servile population of uneducated dupes who are dependent on government.  The liberals create these entitlement programs to buy votes then demonize the guy who has the temerity to actually tell the truth about the programs.  Even though 70% of the federal budget is gobbled up by the entitlement programs, don’t you dare try to reform these programs?  The liberals have being buying votes with these programs for decades and they will brook no decent.  You are a racist, sexist, ageist Nazi if you mention the fact that these programs will bankrupt the country if they remain as they are. Liberal attack dogs in the network, print and internet media will tear you apart if you dare to tell the truth.  Thank God Paul Ryan never got the memo.  Yep I used the G word.  Could I be a bitter angry white right winger who is clinging to my bible and gun?  Nope I am a gay conservative.  Keep telling the truth Paul.   

I have to admit that I did change the channel to The Worlds Dumbest Daredevils a couple of times when the outright lies and distortions were more than I could stand to watch.