The Polls are Rigged

09/22/2012 13:49

The Polls are Rigged

Eron Thomas:

I think everyone has to just step back and take a breath when it comes to these polls.  I know that a lot of the audience these days is young, but I want to let you in on a little secret.  There is not going to be one poll from here to the election that is going to show Romney with a big lead, and that is a good thing. 

First let me explain why you are not going to see Romney 5 6 7 or 8 points up.  The major polling companies are using the 2008 voting matrix for weighting their polls.  This means that they are way over sampling Progressive Socialist (Democrats), Independents, and in some cases Marist in some cases by 13% just to keep it with in the margin of error.  Now you are thinking, why would they do that? They are doing this because the MSM is already very worried about turn out of the Socialist Progressive Democrat wing of the party.  There are two reasons for this,  1) This wing of the party tends to be very emotional and unstable in the very best of times.  If the hard core Socialist wing sees Romney pulling ahead they may just stay home in their Mom’s basement blogging and not show up at the polls at all. In other words, they can’t take a chance on alienating their base with the truth. 2) If the MSM can’t sway the election for the Progressive Socialist Party (Democrat) was good is state run media? You have to realize they feel like they are fighting for their lives here. 

Second, the polling companies want all of the polls in the margin of error because they can be right either way.  This helps them to stay in business.  Additionally, if the Socialist Progressive Party (Dems) can actually steal this election, they want The Supreme Leader (BHO)to have a shred of legitimacy.  However, when I think of it, I am not really sure why they care about the legitimacy thing because when Congress has the temerity to get in the way of The Supreme Leader’s (BHO’s) agenda, he just rules through executive fiat.  That is the Progressive Socialist (Democrat) and The Supreme Leader’s idea of compromise.

Third, Ronald Regan was 6 points down in the polls the week before he won the 1980 election by a landslide.  The elite media and the Progressive Socialist (Democrats) were dumb found.  They couldn’t understand how he could win.  I remember laughing out loud when a well-known NYT reporter, I think it was Maureen Dowd said, “I don’t know how he (Regan) got elected.  I don’t know one person who voted for him”. 

Fourth, I think this is great for the conservatives right now.  Our base is fired up and every time we see a poll that has us in a dead heat or even a couple of points down, we get even more fired up.  I was reading an article just the other day that reported Republican voter registration was out striping Progressive Socialist (Democrat) registration by like 30 or 40 %. 

So what do we do from here?  Just keep talking to your friends and neighbors.  For those of us in the Red State of Louisiana, I am trying to stay involved and writing as much as I have time to with work and my regular life.  All I can say is keep the faith.  Don’t believe the lie.