The Pied Piper of Debtville

09/30/2012 11:44

Eron Thomas

The thing I find fascinating is that the conservative Democrats aren't weighting in on this.  They would be howling if a 13 year old African American girl was denied an abortion on demand without parental consent.  It would be front page news in the MSM, and proof that Republicans are racist.  But 450 million to the terror state of Egypt no problem.  The supreme leader has issued the edict and the money should be sent.  Don't they realize how dangerous their group think and speak is. Is it just me or does anyone else see this.  I am old enough to remember when there were a few conservative Democrats who would have worked with the Republicans to stop the transfer of this money.  One other perplexing thing is that it seems obvious from the 2010 election is they are the ones that get punished at the polls for their mindless regurgitation of the White House "Ministry of Truth Speak", not the administration.  Yet they, like a horde of lemmings" follow the Pied Piper of Debtville over the fiscal cliff.  It terrifying for the country and Sad for them.