The Death of Reason

06/14/2022 22:30

The Speaker of the house radical leftist Nancey Pelosi: charged with the responsibility of protecting the Justices attempted to use The newly written Bill designed to protect the Justices as an opportunity to tack on gun restrictions amendments.  When the bill failed to pass with the amendments, she just walked away from the table leaving the Supreme Court Justices unprotected by the measure.  A quickly constructed patchwork of security using US Marshalls was put in place after the would-be assassin was arrested.  It would have to suffice after Nancy failed to get the bill passed in the lower chamber.  When questioned by the press regarding the lack of movement on the bill, she very nonchalantly told the press that the patchwork protection of Justices was quite sufficient.  “No one is in danger because we were unable to get a bill passed today,” were her words.  It is strictly illegal to protest with the intent of intimating a sitting Supreme Court Justice.  So, one has to ask, why the DOJ is allowing the protesters to remain at the homes of these judges.  Who knows Garland’s motivation but, one lucky enabled psychopath might just get Biden another pic for the Supreme Court? Who knows Meritless Garland might be the nominee if helps a psychopath murder Justice Kavanaugh? 

This was to be expected when you consider the radical Liberals and their allies in the mainstream media have been using to vilify conservatives in print and on-air for 5 straight years.  Conservatives are labeled White Supremacist, Nazis, misogynistic, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, and are just downright “deplorable” in every way.  The outrageous incendiary rhetoric of the Left is coming home to roust.  Yet Facebook, Twitter, and the like refuse to censor content that is baseless hate speech.   If a conservative has the temerity to voice an opposing opinion, Democrats and their operative in the media engage in a full-scale propaganda campaign of vilifying them with Leftist hate speech 24 hours a day 7 days a week directed at the conservative.  Repeating unfound lies, misinformation, and half-truths.  The liberal media parce every syllable of each conservative speech to twist every word to fit their warped narrative.  They hide behind the 1st Amendment, which for Liberals is absolute.  However, it is not so absolute if you are a conservative subject to the Liberal thought police.  

Meanwhile, all of the major Democrat-run cities are in flames socially and economically.  I use the term in flames in a metaphorical sense for the most part; however, in the case of Seattle Portland, Milwaukee, DC, and many other blue cities the term could be applied quite literally. 

All of this suffering in these places can be traced back to 60 years of Democrat policies that were ushered in when LBJ signed welfare legislation.  But that’s a different topic much too cumbersome to tackle here.  That’s a book on its own, so back to the issues at hand.


We have only recently heard reporting on the gun violence and murders in the Liberal utopias Chicago, New York, LA, Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta, Houston, DC, etc.etc.etc. because the Left has given the mainstream media lackeys the go-ahead to report on it.  Reporting on it now while the country is devastated by the heinous school shooting in Uvalde Texas gives the impression that the whole country will be consumed in a huge cloud of black powder smoke if something is not done “RIGHT NOW”.

The timing of this wall-to-wall blitzkrieg of coverage on gun violence, gun violence, and “Oh did you hear about the recent gun violence” is in no way coincidental.  Remember Rahm Emanuel’s famous quote.  “Never let a great tragedy go to waste”.    The Democrats believe pounding on gun violence at this exact moment in history with help them get the votes in Congress to gut the Bill of Rights which they have wanted since Woodrow Wilson. 

Never mind, all the gun laws passed in Liberal Democrat utopian enclaves have failed miserably.  Never mind some very simple relatively inexpensive policy changes would change the paradigm of school safety and protection.   Liberals have been blocking that kind of legislation for years.  They need mass shootings and the bodies of dead kids to get the guns pure and simple. 

The weekly carnage I just enumerated above has been going on for decades in Democrat-controlled cities.  So ask yourself “Why now”? Why has the Liberal MSM been silent until now?  It may well be they have stayed clear of reporting on the absolute carnage torturing our blue cities because to report on gun violence in cities controlled by Democrats and running for the enrichment of Democrats with very restrictive gun laws would undermine the Liberal narrative that restrictive gun laws solve gun violence because the so obviously do not.  Restrictive gun laws do not affect gun violence.  Just not the effect the Liberal would have you believe.  The gun-free zones on school campuses created by Liberals have created killing fields for cowardly psychopaths who know no one can shoot back.  That has been one very distinct and measurable effect of GUN CONTROL and GUN-FREE ZONES. However; don’t you dare mention it.  You are a monster if you mention what effect the Liberal GUN FREE ZONE policy has created. 

 Criminals don’t follow the newly improved infringements on the 2nd Amendment because it’s a law.  Liberal’s ignorance of the issue is well illustrated in a statement by Feinstein Democrat California.  “Once the criminals realize that no one else has a gun they will put down their guns”.  It is hard to believe a person so singularly spared the ravages of intelligence would be given any power at all.  I believe, most psychiatrists would deem that statement delusional and recommend medicating the patient or institutionalization. 

When it comes to talking about guns, don’t ever try to debate, or entreat Liberals with facts.  Recently I found out that not only are facts racist, but scientific data is as well, and the truth is the new HATE SPEECH.  Anything or anyone who questions the Liberal Gospel with truth, facts,  and scientific evidence are vile nonbelievers who must be destroyed by any means necessary.    Racist hate-filled negotiations with facts, data, and truth will not be tolerated.  If you try you will be canceled.  Your first violation will be met with swift and certain justice on social media.  You will be banned.  If possible you will be destroyed personally and professionally.  If you persist Liberal might send protestors to your door by Doxing your leaked home address.  It’s done to create headlines and intimidate you into being silent or in this case changing a Supreme Court Decision.  If you refuse to back down they will send their BROWNSHIRTS (ANTIFA) to your neighborhood to burn it down.  If that’s not possible, there is always the lone crazy gunman with multiple magazines of ammo, a razor knife, and zip ties as in the case of Justice Kavanaugh.  BE WARNED. 

The news blackout on gun crime in most blue cities has kept most Liberals in the dark for at least the last decade.  Consequently, when they hear, the truth it challenges their whole worldview.  It makes them angry at the messenger.  Now that the liberal elite has successfully designated opinion rooted in, fact, scientific data, or the truth, racist no self-respecting Liberal is going to listen to you “YOU’RE A RACIST”.  Consequently, Liberals stay comfortably ensconced in their echo chamber.  They only consume Liberal propaganda carefully spoon-fed to them by the legacy “mainstream” media.  Everything else is vile hateful Racist blasphemy.


If you doubt me, engage any Liberal about the riots of 2020.  Most will insist there were no riots in 2020.  That was civil disobedience in its purest form.  Those were “peaceful demonstrations”.  The destruction of billions of dollars of private property, murders, beatings,  and arson that consumed huge swathes of blue-state cities was merely the product of  “peaceful demonstration”, and it’s their right to peacefully demonstrate.  Any attempt to stop them is a clear and present danger to our Democracy.    Laughable really. 

If you do, by some miracle, happen upon a Liberal with a modicum of intellectual honesty, they will admit to the riots and violence, but in the next breath, they excuse it.  One liberal who engaged me said.  “Ok, so there was some violence, and some property destroyed, but it wasn’t that bad.  With change there is always some destruction”.  To fully grasp the severity of the situation the country is in we have to admit that devout Liberals worship Socialist Doctrine like the faithful believe the Gospels.  Their Doctrine is morally superior to the crass, unfair, evils of Capitalism. In their crusade to right all of the wrongs they perceive in the world, they are absolved of any guilt or responsibility because they are only trying to make the world a safer, happier, fairer, and more peaceful place for everyone.  So, no matter what the level of violence, murder mayhem, or misery, they inflict on others, it will be worth it in the end.   Remember, it is all being done for your good.  You are so ignorant and pathetic you need them to show you the way.  You know the way to enlightenment.  The Orwell novel 1984 kind of enlightenment.  They will help you to see the truth even if it kills you. 

Additionally, you will notice liberals never have any skin in the game.  It’s never their business being looted.  It’s the crass, evil capitalist store.  It would be sacrilege to destroy their little mom-and-pop government-mandated abortion clinic / spare baby parts store,  They are devout Liberals, and it’s a women’s right to murder her unborn child if she wants to SCIENCE be damned you science denier you.  It is never their mother beaten, or their brother murdered, so they are always able to rise above the raw selfish, greedy emotions of others in the situation and interject some real wisdom like” Ban All Guns” or “NO Justice NO Peace”.  Because in their warped view they believe it will work.  It hasn’t worked anywhere, but that is just a far distant whisper of a footnote and not relevant.  “BAN ALL GUNS”.  They say it louder and louder.  When screaming doesn’t work, they resort to “justified” violence because after all with any real change comes some destruction.    


The Liberal playbook is rather paltry.  It does not stand up to scrutiny.  But facts and the truth are the new Hate Speech so there is that.  LOL   One would think the Republicans would push back and call out their blatant Liberal policy failures 24 7, but they never do. Like simpering starving children, they approach the headmaster and quietly request more gruel when they are hungry.  Most of the Republicans go along to get along while filling their coffers till retirement.  The Republican mantra is we tried… Honest injun we tried.  Re-elect us so we can try and fail again pleaseeeeeeeeeeee.  They are cowards of the first order.  Honestly, we should all be asking ourselves why the Rino’s torpedo every real positive real legislative victory but that topic could fill a book.


One other issue I feel helps illustrate my point I my point is poverty and homelessness.  Everyone has got to agree that no one talks about poverty and homelessness as much as Liberals.  They own all the compassion for the poor.  The Blue Cities are overrun with the poor and homeless so it must be true.  They care so much more deeply than those evil vile conservatives, and their proof: they talk about it.  They throw other people’s money at it. Never mind their policies are dismal failures by every possible measure.  The facts are irrelevant.  They care and you don’t, so they are better than you end of the story. 

They do everything they can to requisition other people’s property and wealth to help the poor and homeless. Liberals are notorious for not paying their fair share in taxes and donating little to nothing to the poor and the homeless, but in their minds, they are the only good, moral, and upstanding political party fighting for the poor.  To liberals, talking about it and blaming others for the problem is enough.  They never feel the need to give say 10% of their income to the God Church of Government for the poor and homeless, but they feel their suffering so deeply.   Lots of them don’t even pay their fair share of taxes but they are so moral and upstanding… THEY CARE.  You or I on the other hand would be in jail for income tax evasion. 

However, the magic bullet on which all Liberal policy seems to rest is Wealth Distribution.  They truly believe it would solve all the problems of the world.   We have been hearing about the redistribution of wealth for the last 60 years in one way or another.  It is the only play in their book.  To a carpenter whose only tool is a hammer, every problem is a nail.   Liberals think, in a nutshell.  Mine you, Liberal millionaires and billionaires are not lining up to devest themselves and work alongside the proletariat.  That’s their plan for us serfs. 

One last thing I feel compelled to mention is the conversation I had with my Liberal debate opponent truly bothered me in retrospect.  After some time ruminating on his argument and the way he obfuscated and excused Liberal violence.  His language became a chilling reminder to me.  One sleepless night I came upon a documentary about the Holocaust.  The Allies, as part of documenting the Holocaust,  conducted interviews with German civilians after the war after the camps were liberated.  Even the civilians living less than 10 kilometers from the death camps testified that they were innocent. In every interview, the respondent assumed zero responsibility for the atrocities committed by their National Socialist German Workers Party (NAZI Party) Simply put they weren’t guilty. They absolved themselves of all responsibility. They convinced themselves they were innocent.   Even those who lived close enough to smell the rotting corpses and the acrid stench of the burning flesh of the crematoriums believed themselves to be innocent.  They didn’t know what that awful smell was and they never went to investigate, so they were innocent.  After all, every great change brings with it some destruction.