Just a Terrible President

09/30/2012 15:16

Just a Terrible President

Eron Thomas:

Obama is just a terrible President.  I have never said that about any President other than Jimmy Carter, and up until now I would say that he was by far the worst President we ever had.  It is staggering to think that Obama could be worse, but he is.  By the way, I am gay, so by the lefts dictums, I am immune to criticism lest you be called a racist, bigoted homophobe.  However, I am sure; I will be called much worst by any leftie that reads this. LOLOLOLOL

Obama is just a terrible President.  I know the lefties will all blow a gasket for me saying that but it is true.  Calling all liberal, LOOK at the country!  Look hard at the country right now.  Do I have to remind you that a great President unites people (Lincoln, FDR, Kennedy, and Regan) for a common purpose to do great things?  A great President finds common ground upon which to build a consensus for the benefit of every American.  A great President makes each and every American feel like they are part of the great experiment that is our Republic.  A great President reaches out to every group of Americans and speaks to their heart to say we are in this together. 

By contrast, Obama tells members of Congress that elections have consequences and, “I won.”  By contrast this President tells the world that the police acted stupidly.  By contrast this President creates war like factions bent on the complete inhalation of their political opponents and the utter destruction of the opposition.  By contrast this President divides to conquer.  Right about now I am being called a F**%K S%%&<S TGHOS THD  by the left and a traitor to boot.  But what I am saying here is the truth.  He is the President not a two bit community organizer in Chicago anymore, he just doesn’t realize it. 

Let’s just look at some great leaders and see what they did in similar situations.  Lincoln had a country divided yet he held the Union together.  In the face of bitter war and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of American he found it within his heart to build consensus pull the country together and the country survived.  FDR inherited a massive depression and yet he pulled the county together.  Kennedy in the face of Nuclear War stood his ground at the Bay of Pigs and pulled the country together and pushed back the USSR.  Regan inherited a complete fiasco from Jimmy Carter and yet not once did he blame the previous administration for the problems that faced the county. He pulled the country together overcame our financial problems and ended the Cold War.   Martin Luther King in the face of vicious racism pulled the country together.  Nelson Mandela pulled South Africa together after years of racism and apartheid.  Think how easy it would have been for South Africa fall into division, violence and civil war were it not for Mandela.

Let’s examine why Obama is so different.  To me the contrast between Obama and a good President is blatantly obvious, but for many American (if the polls are to be believed) there is tremendous confusion.  Obama believes in redistribution which on its face seems like a fair minded, socially acceptable thing.  But you have to realize is that social justice and redistribution is at its very core rotten. First, because it validates and inflames the misery and anger people feel about the perceived injustice in their own lives.  Secondly, anger and hate have always led to destruction not a Utopia.   So redistribution and social justice is really no social just tice at all if you are the disenfranchised from whom the mob is exactly their revenge.  Think of it this way.  Where is the social justice for the millions you have to disenfranchise for social justice?  The concept is an oxymoron.   Throw into the mix Obama’s animus for free market capitalism and his disdain for what he considers the colonial domination of the third world and you can clearly see where his policy of factionalism comes from.  Realize this philosophy of factionalism works very well if you are a community organizer (advocating more mortgages for the poor in the south side of Chicago) not so much when you are supposed to be the leader of the free world.  Not to sound racist, but all the people in the room at a community organizing meeting in the south side of Chicago are probably the same color and socioeconomic group. 

Obama has created a pall of misery over the county.  Our 1st Amendment right to free speech has all but been suspended because anytime anyone voices an opinion contrary to the Obama “Ministry of Truth” the MSM tears them to pieces.  Our 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms is under attack at every turn.  Just look at Fast & Furious.  I believe without the death of Brian Terry and the Fast & Furious scandal there would be a renewed and robust effort to restrict gun rights in the border state using the violence in Mexico as the impetus.  Citizens don’t even feel like they can put a Romney Ryan bumper sticker on their car for fear the vehicle will be vandalized.  Under this President’s divisive leadership what have we come to?

Let’s just compare the ideals and motives of great Presidents with those of Obama.  A great President believes in the rule of law and American Exceptionalism.  He sees the world quite differently that Obama.  A great President realizes that free market Capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty and misery than any other system in the world.   They believe in the basic tenants of the Constitution.  They believe in limited government.  These may seem like platitudes but they are deep fundamental almost spiritual differences that really matter.   This kind of thinking is so important because it puts the survival of the county first.  It sets the Constitution as an almost sacred document that we all live by.  However, the most critical difference is that when a President believes in American Exceptionalism and the rule of law he seats power to the Constitution, the rule of law, and the people and that creates opportunity for every American. He is great because the country is great. 

By contrasts Obama’s redistribution and social justice pits American against American to build coalitions bent on taking from one group to give to another.  It’s a kind of Socialist Corporatism.  Where big corporation, big unions, big government all sit at the table and decide how to cut up the pie.  They get to decide how much success people have a right too.  Now you can’t just go out and tell folks that because they would reject that kind of governance, so it is important that you build power coalitions.  It is important that you feed the Presidents Cult of Personality as a Robin Hood type figure who is stealing from the rich to give to the poor.  The only problem with that is that Robin Hood was actually stealing excessive taxes from the King John and giving them back to the taxpayers. No matter, the left never worries about confusing the issue with the facts.  The left never worries about what it is true.  The left is only concerned with what appears to be the truth.    

In closing, the belief in the Constitution, freedom and the rule of law builds a great county.  Redistribution and Social Justice build a great Dictator.